Yes – every weekend is busy and this one has been no exception. Last night we went to dinner at Robert & Bronlynn’s, with Josie. It was a great night with lots of wining and dining. They were surprised when I pulled out the camera to take a shot of each of the courses as they did not think they were ‘blog worthy’. Wrong! This blog is not just about the food I make or restaurants I visit – it’s about all good food and last night’s meal was very good.
After nibbles and champagne, it was on to the main that Robert had cooked – slow cooked lamb in a lemon sauce thickened with almonds. Finished off with olives, flat leaf parsley and couscous, it was very tasty indeed. It has been cooked in the Emile Henry Tagine and made the house smell absolutely delicious, when we arrived. A recipe from a card picked up in a supermarket apparently…..I thought the presentation looked great too.
Bronlynn followed up with a warm, rich sour cherry chocolate cake. She was a little disappointed as she thought it was too gooey in the middle and could have done with a few more minutes in the oven. Perhaps…but it was neither here nor there as the soft chocolate ‘sauce’ with the choc/cherry combination cake with the ice cream was wonderful. I wolfed mine down. A recipe from ‘Who’ magazine this time – they certainly use novel sources for their dinner party recipes. Again, the camera came out.
Finally, coffee, cheese and petit fours. In my ongoing endeavour to strip the pantry before going overseas, I melted a small amount of chocolate into some mini muffin tins and topped the discs with cranberry/pistachio and almond/apricot combinations. They looked pretty good if I do say so myself.
Great to go to dinner at someone else’s house and sit around eating and enjoying lots of good wine, whilst some else does the hard yards. I’m hoping for more invitations from you all soon!