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A few of my favourite things – Update!

Just before I left the UK, I did a post about some of my favourite food items from local supermarkets that I would miss.  Well good news Anglophiles – Soreen has hit our shores!

Just a reminder, Soreen is not a cold sore cream as I suggested or a brand of toilet paper as my mum thought.  It is a low fat, fruit and malt loaf that is out of this world.  Now for all I know, Soreen may well have hit our shores 12 months ago but it certainly wasn’t in Australia when I left.  I was wandering down the bread aisle of Woolies when my eyes stood out on stalks upon seeing Soreen snuggled in amongst the crumpets, pancakes etc.  There is only the sliced loaf available which is a mixed blessing.  It’s an absolute bugger to slice, being dense, sticky and very unhelpful when you are trying to cut a neat slice.  On the other hand, the sliced version means the loaf has dried out just a tad.

I’ve included the link to the Aussie website but if you got a moment, visit the UK website where you can discover recipes such as Spicy Malt Pork Quesadilla which for some odd reason, hasn’t made it on to the local website.  Can’t imagine why.  I’ll be sticking to morning and afternoon tea treats for the moment.  A couple of slices with butter over a cup of coffee this afternoon confirmed that this is the real deal, being just as chewy and malty as ever.  Thank you to all those Brits who have emigrated to Australia and tipped the balance in favour of Soreen on our shelves.

1 comment… add one
  • Anonymous August 30, 2011, 8:23 am

    Is this the bread that you so temptingly described as 'squidgy'? If so, I'm THERE.


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