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Tupperware – For Any Occasion

I went to our friend’s wedding a few weeks ago and watched as he revelled in joining the big Sicilian family of his bride.  After the speeches, the cake was cut and home made Italian Dolce were distributed including delightful almond cookies and fabulous Torrone (or Turron).  I worked the room, moving from table to table eating as I went and collecting the rest.  It seemed a shame to let it go back out the kitchen for the wait staff to enjoy.

Towards the end of the night as people started to drift off, the mothers and grandmothers in the group got down to the serious business.  Out came the Tupperware, complete with masking tape with name written on and the packing up of cakes and sweets commenced.  I thought ‘How great!  They’ve paid for for that cake and they’re taking it home.  Good on them’.  To have the foresight to bring along the Tupperware told me that this had happened on more than one occasion.

I wasn’t so organised and had to cram as many Torrone as I could in my handbag.  None the less, I got quite a decent haul.  In my pantry, it sits resplendent, in what?  Tupperware of course.

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