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A Few of My Favourite Things – Update!

And the good time just keep rolling.  Hot on the heels of the great news that Soreen is now available in Australia comes the fab news that Ryvita has started selling a number of flavours here, that I came to know and love in the UK.  Like most family businesses, Ryvita has been swallowed up by a multinational but interestingly, the biscuits are still made in the UK and imported into Australia.

Trawling the shelves of a Canberra supermarket, I gave a small squeak of delight when I saw these Fruit & Seed Crunch.  In the UK they are marketed as a low fat alternative to sweet biscuits and the serving suggestion is that they are dunked into a cup of tea.  Here, things are a little more sensible and the suggestion is simply to enjoy them as a snack on the go.  For me though, the combo of raisins, a hit of honey and pumpkin seeds is fantastic with a sharp cheddar.

Another favourite from my travels, ‘Pumpkin Seed & Oat’ is also available in Australia. I was never in the Ryvita camp as a kid.  We were strictly a Premium and Vita-Weat family but I can report that as an adult, I am happy to give Ryvita the support it was sadly lacking in my early years.  Honestly, these could have been available here for years but to me, it’s a great re-discovery.

2 comments… add one
  • Carol October 27, 2011, 8:19 pm

    Hi, I'm the head of UK marketing for Ryvita – I thought you'd like to know that we've just appointed a General Manager for Ryvita in Australia to hopefully get greater range and availability in Ryvita over the coming months & years so hopefully you'll be able to enjoy more Ryvita options! Btw, I agree with you, the cup of tea serving suggestion on Fruit Crunch was rubbish!

  • RobertL October 28, 2011, 10:53 am

    Good grief Fiona – you are a mover and shaker in the corporate world!

    Of course, if you have a cup of tea with your Ryvita, you can now do the washing-up with Fairy Liquid! It is now available in Australia.

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