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This is Radio TIFFIN

Interrupting all programmes….With so much happening and far too many exciting adventures for me to ever fully catch up, I’ve dedicated this post to ‘announcements & updates’.

International TIFFIN
The eagle eyed amongst you may have spotted a new page on the blog.  Click on the International TIFFIN tab at the top of the page to see posts about some of the places I’ve visited and the food I’ve eaten.  Granted, if you’re from one of the countries listed you may not find it very exotic but you get the bonus of reading about all of my adventures in Australia instead!

Competition Winner – Treats on a Stick
Thanks to everyone who got into the spirit and entered my competition for a prize pack of maria Palitos Hot Chocolates on a Stick.  To qualify, you needed to be a subscriber or in the TIFFIN fan club and leave a message in the comments.  The winner via random draw was Mel Kettle. Congratulations Mel – you’re prize will be delivered this week!  Keep an eye out for more competitions.  Whenever possible, these will be open to overseas readers too.

Pick Your Own Olives
Regular readers may recall my post about Adopting an Olive Tree and the follow up post on The Day We Went Olive Picking.  The parents of our friends Maria & Iain offered to process our olives in with their own that they picked on the same day.  Well, those olives have been preserved to perfection and are now ready for consumption!  The green olives have been brined and placed in jars topped with olive leaves, the black olives dry cured in the traditional Sicilian style.  The amount we received back seems far greater than the half bucket we gave them so we’re very grateful.  Maybe you’ll get to try some if you’re visiting.



Home Made Pasta
Earlier in the year, TIFFINadamus predicted the Rise of the Machines, pressing into service some of the great kitchen equipment I’ve been gifted.  Whilst I never shy away from trying my hand at making bread or pizza dough, I’m ashamed to say that I have never made home made pasta.  That all changed last weekend when I created my first batch of whole egg fettuccine.  There was some trial and error involved.  The first batch though delightfully thin, shattered into a million pieces when I tried to remove the dried strands from the broomstick.  I adjusted the rollers so the second batch was a little thicker and therefore sturdier.  It made a delicious lunch for three, supporting a sauce of veges I’d picked up at crop swap only a few hours before.  Yes, it takes a few minutes to set up the machine but it was easy and worth it with the remainder of the batch dried for future use.

Email Subscriptions
At the moment, I’m reviewing options available to better manage TIFFIN’s email subscriptions.  The current service offered by the Blogger platform is fairly limited, though I can hardly complain as it’s free!   Of course, one of the things about changing email subscription services is to make sure I don’t lose any of you in transition.  If I do move to a new service, I’ll let you know on TIFFIN before I make the move.  I post around twice a week so if you suddenly stop receiving TIFFIN in your inbox (fingers crossed that you don’t), please let me know via email or comments on the blog so I can track any problems.

That’s enough public service announcement for now.  This is Radio TIFFIN on pirate satellite.

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