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A – Z Guidebook: Brooklyn Bridge, NYC

Welcome to the A-Z Guidebook Link Up where bloggers from around the world can share a picture and story about a place that relates to each letter in the alphabet. It could be a city, a country, a street or an icon. It could be anywhere. If you would like to join, read the A-Z Guidebook tab at the top of the blog and write a travel post relating to the letter of the month.

Thanks to all the bloggers who joined in last month for the innaugral A-Z Guidebook. I certainly learned that there’s a lot of places I’ve never heard of, let alone been to! This month:

B or Baggage

Brooklyn Bridge, NYC

The first time I went to New York City, we didn’t visit the Brooklyn Bridge. I’m not sure why. Maybe it just didn’t occur to us. That was in 2004 and in the ensuing 10 years when we next visited in the autumn of 2014, a lot had changed. A new World Trade Center was completed, The Statue of Liberty re-opened after a 8 year hiatus, the High Line had opened, Gus’ Pickles closed, Williamsburg had been hipsterfied and Brooklyn was gentrified.

Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge has always been ‘a thing’ but now it’s really a thing as that’s how you get to the cool neighbourhoods across the East River. Designed for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic, the bridge opened in 1883 with over 150 000 people crossing in the first day. It was the only land passage between Manhattan and Brooklyn. A sentinel to much that has happened in the distant more recent history of New York City, the Brooklyn Bridge just celebrated its 132nd birthday in May.

The Bridge has featured in many pop culture mediums but my favourite has to be the woefully underrated 1978 movie ‘The Wiz’. A re-imagining of the Wizard of Oz in a black, ghetto  funk world. As Dorothy and friends cross over to the Emerald City of the World Trade Center Plaza, they ease on down the yellow brick road that runs across the Bridge.

The elevated walkway is still wooden, giving a lovely old fashioned feel as you walk along. Looking back across the skyline to Manhattan, it’s easy to pick out recognisable landmarks. On the day we walked across, the numbers were considerably less than opening day but between snap happy tourists and annoyed cyclists, it was still one very crowded bridge.

Please take the time to visit some of the other contributors to A-Z Guidebook, particularly if you are a participant. Thanks!

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13 comments… add one
  • Jan Rhoades July 15, 2015, 2:12 pm

    Bukit Tinggi? Beijing? Barcelona? Which to choose! Since Barcelona was the most recent I guess that wins because of the proximity of happy memories. I only spent a couple of days but for me the highlight was Gaudi’s Park Güell. What an amazing and truly astonishing experience. Columns, concrete, ceramics – all abound in Park Güell. I found this attraction far more inviting than his still, not-yet-competed Sagrada Familia. The cathedral that looks as though it may (still) be being built by Topsy.

    • Fiona Ryan July 16, 2015, 5:48 pm

      Yes, there’s plenty of ‘B’s… let’s see how we go with ‘X’! It was a very wet week for us in Barcelona so we probably didn’t see it at its best.

  • Joanne T Ferguson July 15, 2015, 3:56 pm

    What a unique travel link up connecting people from around the world Fiona! I HOPE to be able to include one for B; coming soon!

    • Fiona Ryan July 16, 2015, 5:48 pm

      Thanks Joanne. If you can’t join for ‘B’, there’s always ‘C’.

  • Surely Sarah July 16, 2015, 8:10 am

    The poor Brooklyn Bridge is always getting smashed up in every NY disaster movie! It always reminds me of that Sex in the City moment with Miranda & Steve too. I’d love to meander across it one day!

    • Fiona Ryan July 16, 2015, 5:49 pm

      Oh – I’d forgotten about Miranda & Steve. ha ha! Thanks for joining in Sarah : )

    • Fiona Ryan July 16, 2015, 5:52 pm

      I just went back & re-watched that scene. Thanks for the memories!

  • Louise@WillungaWino July 19, 2015, 8:55 am

    Hi Fiona!

    Great linkup! So glad I had a “B” raring to go – Ballarat, which I have just come back from visiting again.

    Hope you like my post.


    Louise @ WillungaWino.com

    • Fiona Ryan July 21, 2015, 9:41 am

      Yes – good old Ballarat. I bet it was cold there at this time of year! Thanks for joining in the fun.

  • Emily (Cooking for Kishore) July 20, 2015, 10:50 am

    Love Roebling’s bridge, it’s a beautiful suspension bridge, but I was deathly afraid of the wooden planks falling away! I have to say my favorite movie featuring the Brooklyn Bridge had got to be “Kate & Leopold,” who doesn’t love Hugh Jackman in Period Costume! 🙂

    • Fiona Ryan July 21, 2015, 9:42 am

      It does seem incredibly old fashioned with the wood still. It’s like the wooden escalators in Macy’s – from a different era! Thanks for posting and joining the link up.

  • sherry from sherrys pickings July 21, 2015, 9:20 am

    i agree! too many things for B. But i decided on Bluff, NZ – mostly because I could find the (digital) photo, whereas I have real live photos in my many albums which are impossible to go thru. Love your photo of the bridge Fiona. very iconic.

    • Fiona Ryan July 21, 2015, 9:44 am

      Thanks Sherry – it’s pretty hard to take a bad photo these days with all the digital technology available. cheers!

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