In case you’ve been living under a stack of toppled newspapers, you could hardly have failed to notice that the KonMarie method is all the rage. Marie Kondo has been teaching people how to fold and tidy for several years but the world has hit peak KonMarie since her series dropped on Netflix. Her catch… Read more
Op Shops
It’s National Op Shop Week in Australia. We are all encouraged to donate, shop and support op shops as part of helping the community and reducing out footprint. This could not have been more perfectly timed as I have just returned from a week in Bargara, near Bundaberg where I unearthed several treasures. I’ve written… Read more
All of these years on, Nigella Bites is still one of my favourite cookbooks. Though many of the recipes would be considered simple or kitsch, that cookbook taught me that it’s OK to take shortcuts and helped me hone my skills at adapting and modifying to suit local conditions. The 12 hour leg of lamb… Read more
It’s been a while since I wrote about my op-shop or thrifting finds. With limited storage space and more than enough retro crockery and classic (some may think kitsch) barware, I have been more judicious in my purchasing. Well, trying to. I recently dropped into the Camp Hill State School Fete and made a b-line… Read more
It’s been quite some time since I wrote a post about my op shop finds. With a renovation coming up this year, I have been more focused on shifting things out of the house rather than bringing it in. Stuff. We seem to have lots of stuff. Though I pride myself in being the master… Read more
At some stage, most people visiting Norfolk Island end up at ‘Sweeties’, an old fashioned lolly shop and chocolate maker strategically situated opposite the primary and high school. After you have a laugh at the aptly named Cow Patties, Steaming Cow Patties (with chilli) and the NI Traffic Controller (a cow), buy a Hokey Pokey ice… Read more
This week it’s about all things Vintage. Once upon a time we talked about antiques, about things being old fashioned or retro. Shabby Chic is out and Vintage is in. Here’s a week in the life of TIFFIN’s Vintage Brisbane. Today we visit some of my latest Op Shop purchases. It’s been a while since… Read more
It’s been a bit of a hit and miss week at TIFFIN central. It started out fine, with a visit to Lake Wivenhoe but then went rapidly downhill as I was hit by an ague that took me out for the entire week. Somewhere towards the middle was a very forgettable birthday but as the… Read more
After seven arduous weeks holidaying in South America, it was time to take a 24 hour mini break to get away from it all and celebrate Anthony’s birthday. After an action packed evening at Greenmount Resort where the fire alarm went off at 3am and we all had to shuffle down the fire stairs in… Read more
Time for an Op Shop update. So many great goodies out there and so little space to fit it in my cupboards.To start with, these cute espresso cups. Originally a set of 8, sadly there were only 4 pairs plus the leftover saucers, that stayed behind. With a hint of 70’s and a whiff of… Read more
I’m a big fan of Op Shops (Charity Shops to UK readers, Thrift Stores for those Stateside). Is it because I’m cheap? Is it because I like to recycle? Is it because vintage and retro are in? Is it because ‘old stuff’ is normally better quality? Is it because I want something a little different… Read more
I’ve always been curious about Gem Scones. Ever since I saw a recipe for Gem Scones dipped in jelly and rolled in coconut in one of my Mum’s old cook books, I wanted to know more. How does the cast iron pan known as a ‘Gem Iron’, work? Do the scones come out of the… Read more