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ANZAC Day 2015

It is 100 years today since the Dardanelles campaign, when Australian and New Zealand forces landed on the beaches at Gallipoli (Gellibolou). Lest We Forget… Read more

Filed in: Miscellaneous, Travel

ANZAC Syrup Slice

It’s coming up to ANZAC Day and the 100th anniversary of the landing on the beach at Gallipoli or Gellibolu in Turkey. Thoughts will turn to the soldiers who fought, died or survived during that campaign and as well as other military campaigns and peace keepers right up to the present. Thoughts will also turn to another… Read more

Filed in: Baking, Baking & Dessert

In My Kitchen… April 2015

Well here we are at the start of April and what do you know? It’s Easter! This particular April also marks a very special anniversary for Australians, New Zealanders and Turks. On April 25th it will have been 100 years since the ANZACS landed on the shores of Gallipoli or Gellibolu in a campaign that… Read more

Filed in: Miscellaneous

Random Recipes has been playing out very well for me recently. After a clunky start, I’ve been selecting some beauties.  This month, Dom from Belleau Kitchen challenged us to ‘Get Random Baby!‘, using his automated random number generator to select the cookbook.  Regular readers will know that I’ve used a similar function on several occasions… Read more

Filed in: Soups, Salads, Snacks