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blog hop

Bliss Balls Recipe. Merry Bliss-mas!

Whether you’re shivering through wintry blasts or baking under the blazing sun, Christmas is a time that has an enduring sense memory linked to food.  I always wonder why we only ever buy a leg ham at Christmas when it’s available all year round?  The same for petticoat shortbread, Danish butter cookies and pfeffernusse.  Once, they… Read more

Filed in: Sweets & Preserves

Blueberry Friands for Paper Giants – SABH

I was getting a little worried about this month’s Sweet Adventures Blog Hop. I’ve got a lot on my plate for the rest of the month but still wanted to join in. Luckily, the public holiday fairy was watching over me, providing a little more breathing space by throwing in an Ekka holiday mid-week. The… Read more

Filed in: Baking, Baking & Dessert

Spicy Cashew Love Cake – SABH

Yep – it’s that time of the month again. Another Sweet Adventures Blog Hop has rolled around and this time the theme is ‘Nut’s about Sweets’ hosted by Nic from the fabulously named ‘Dining with a Stud’. I love, love, love nuts. I eat a handful of raw nuts every afternoon as a tasty, low… Read more

Filed in: Baking, Baking & Dessert

Solstice Pear & Prune Pies – SABH

I hate making pastry!  Baking is made up of two schools. Those who are born into a dynasty of bakers who have been turning out buttery flans, light as a feather sponges and scones worthy of CWA approval since Eve was a girl. As wee things, they stood on a stool at the kitchen bench… Read more

Filed in: Baking, Baking & Dessert

Welcome regular followers and hoppers. Today, I’m participating in a different type of event in the food blogging community – a Blog Hop.  Bloggers come together to cook up a storm and link their blogs so those who are interested can jump from blog to blog, checking out the themed recipes. I’ve been watching the… Read more

Filed in: Baking & Dessert