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Toffee Brie w Hazelnuts

TIFFIN Stockpiles I’ve been spending a bit of time on Pinterest lately, learning more about ‘rich pins’ and how they are purported to boost traffic to TIFFIN. Pinterest is a lot like YouTube. You go to the site to visit something specific, you click through to check it out and the next thing you know, you’ve… Read more

Filed in: Entree & Starters

Parmesan Bites for Summer Drinks

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…Jack Frost nipping at your nose… These are delightful sentiments if you’re living or celebrating Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere. For those of us down under, the thought of being dressed up like Eskimos on a blistering Christmas afternoon is enough to send you literally into meltdown. When I was invited by the gang… Read more

Filed in: Baking & Dessert

I really missed Random Recipes in September as Dom from Belleau Kitchen took a mini break. He obviously spent that time concocting one of his more difficult RRs for us.  This time, the theme is ‘local ingredient’. That might seem easy but it can be a little tricky. Is local, ‘Must be from the neighbourhood’? Cue… Read more

Filed in: Baking & Dessert

Always a Chance to Make a Peso

The day before we went on our fabulous Rancho Relaxo adventure, we went on decidedly less fabulous tour of the Valle Calchaquies in Northern Argentina.  The reason it was less fabulous was because we had been led to believe we were going on a wine tour, with a day of tasting of Argentinean wines.  In… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Migrants Made Australia

I was born in Australia but I come from the biggest wave of migrants that arrived in this country in the late 1700’s.  Yep, I’m from convict stock.  Other than potatoes and stew, the culinary highlights from Ireland are few and far between.  There have been many more waves of migrants in the last 200+… Read more

Filed in: Brisbane, Food Experiences

Dispatches from Sydney – Orto Trading Co

There’s an endless list of restaurants to visit and there’s always more to add as others are ticked off.  Sometimes though, one sneaks in from the side and snags a dining slot.  Orto Trading Co was one such restaurant, suggested by Sean as a place to meet and catch up.  Our old friend Terry Durack… Read more

Filed in: Brisbane, Restaurant Review

As mentioned a few posts ago, I was invited to the Brisbane Cheese Awards breakfast at Portside on Sunday along with the producers, luminaries of the industry and other Brisbane food bloggers.  It was a casual stand up affair of pastries, coffee, fruit and juice for around 60 people with a punishing Sunday morning 8am… Read more

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Filed in: Brisbane, Food Experiences

It’s all about the Cheese – Rhone Valley

It’s no secret that I love cheese.  In fact, it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t love cheese, but I know they are out there.  Does anyone love cheese more than the French?  I think not.  Last year as part of our more than bite sized adventures, we stayed at the municipal campground in Tournon-Sur-Rhone… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

TIFFIN’s Back Baby!

Goodness me – doesn’t the time just fly?  I see that it’s been nearly seven months since I last blogged and nearly each one has held a gourmet delight.  Every town or region we visit is famous for something and try as I might, I can only ever sample a small portion.  I know it’s… Read more

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Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Kunefe – An ‘Interesting’ Dessert

I’ve got a sweet tooth (as the bulk of my posts attest) but I know that achingly sweet desserts are not to everyone’s tastes.  Some people look for something to cut the sweetness, such as citrus flavours or creme’ fraiche.  How about a bit of mozzarella cheese?When visiting Turkey, I stopped in Antakya (Antioch) which… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Chesire Cheese

I am installed in the village of Saughall, a few miles outside Chester, right on the Welsh border.  Although the village is small, they manage to hold a Farmer’s Market at the local hall every Friday morning.  I popped down this morning to see what was on offer.Thankfully, the stalls fit into the tiny hall… Read more

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Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel