And so this is Christmas… and my last post for the year. Usually I do the year in review but it is just far too hectic as TIFFIN central with a new kitchen imminent, cramped conditions and only one computer to share between the two of us. So instead, I thought I’d get your sugar frenzy… Read more
Christmas is coming, The goose is getting fat. I need to create a menu, But can’t be bothered with that… I’m sure that’s how that old Christmas rhyme goes. Doesn’t it? Well maybe not. Christmas is coming though, there’s no two ways about it. It’s absolutely rushing towards us. You may well be organised and know… Read more
On the first day of Christmas My true love sent to me A jar of apple chutney… Christmas is getting scarily close but it’s not too late to cook and share some Christmas cheer with family, friends and work mates (except that one work colleague who thinks bought is better than made. They’re getting a box of… Read more
In May this year, it was our turn to host the annual Eurovision Party. This involved lots of themed eating and drinking whilst watching the delayed broadcast on SBS. Denmark was the host country so for a main course I made the utterly delicious Venison Pie with requisite EU stars on top. I also made a… Read more
Whether you’re shivering through wintry blasts or baking under the blazing sun, Christmas is a time that has an enduring sense memory linked to food. I always wonder why we only ever buy a leg ham at Christmas when it’s available all year round? The same for petticoat shortbread, Danish butter cookies and pfeffernusse. Once, they… Read more
*Before Corporatisation. Back in the good old days, before McDonald’s in Paris sold them for .90€ cents, before temples of taste such as Laduree had made it to our shores and they were just a glimmer in MasterChef’s eye, Macarons were known as Macaroons. (click on the Laduree link to see what Paris is really… Read more
…is the thing to say on a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day.’It was a rude shock to race into the supermarket at 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening and hear Bing Crosby crooning to the one or two souls wandering the aisles. It was the first real reminder for me that Christmas is not long away. It’s… Read more
It says ‘Choirboy Fancy’ 1.35 – cheap at half the price!I’m sure that line has never been used as the title to a post or article anywhere on the internet. Anyway……I started a new job this week so I’m a bit short of time whilst I’m adjusting to a new routine. I have some extra… Read more
Cherries and Summer are interchangeable words. They remind us that Christmas is on the way and that there are plenty of long, hot, lazy days ahead to enjoy these sweet, juicy treats. I have fond memories of Summer 2010 in France, buying a kilo of cherries from the front door of a local and heading… Read more