If there’s one thing Australians can’t get enough of, it’s Eurovision. We’ve laughed, we’ve danced, we’ve cried. The winners, the losers, the ridiculous outfits, the funny accents, we’ve embraced them all. What was once a way to unify Europe and bring a splash of colour and glamour to some dreary postwar years has become a… Read more
It must be said that it’s been a busy time of late for your intrepid correspondent. I have had quite a few invites to events and have been doing so much in the kitchen that I’ve had to take remedial action and start saying ‘no’ to a few invitations. ‘Poor TIFFIN’, I hear you say… Read more
I knew nothing of PassionTree Velvet when a little box was delivered to my office on an otherwise dull Tuesday afternoon. Looking for all the world like an aqua tinted Tiffany gift box, it was filled with a selection of melt in the mouth chocolate truffles and an invitation* to High Tea at the PassionTree… Read more
I have a confession to make. Something that most of you will think is odd.I like Indian desserts.There, I’ve said it.Still with me? Maybe you like Indian desserts too. Well, let me tell you, we’re in the minority. When I say ‘in the minority’, there are around 1 billion people who do like them but… Read more
Earlier in the year I served an unusual dessert treat for the Gastronauts Supper Club. As part of a South American themed evening, I made Roasted Sweetcorn Popsicles. They were popular on the night so I decided to post and tweet my recipe. As a result, I ended up chatting on Twitter to @mariapalitos_au, a… Read more
This month, ‘The Choice is Yours’, Dom from Belleau Kitchen suggests. He’s asked us to ‘go back to the very beginning’ when Random Recipes first started. Recipe selection in the first RR challenge was simplicity itself ‘pick & point’. As I didn’t participate in the early RRs, this is a chance to go back to… Read more
That’s what it feels like as I sit here writing this post. It’s another hot day in Brisbane, just one of a long line of days above 30c. Whilst we haven’t sweltered as much as our friends down south with record 40c+ days, it’s still hot enough to live off a diet of salads and… Read more
Welcome regular followers and hoppers. Today, I’m participating in a different type of event in the food blogging community – a Blog Hop. Bloggers come together to cook up a storm and link their blogs so those who are interested can jump from blog to blog, checking out the themed recipes. I’ve been watching the… Read more
It’s been a busy week in the Camp Hill kitchen. I have had lots of unexpected guests and on Tuesday, I was casting around, looking at what was left in the fridge and cupboard that could feed six on short notice. One thing I did have was a grove of lemons. It’s like that with… Read more
I’ve got a sweet tooth (as the bulk of my posts attest) but I know that achingly sweet desserts are not to everyone’s tastes. Some people look for something to cut the sweetness, such as citrus flavours or creme’ fraiche. How about a bit of mozzarella cheese?When visiting Turkey, I stopped in Antakya (Antioch) which… Read more