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Would You Buy Anything From This Man?

We’re all aware that how a meal is presented is nearly as important as how it tastes. The saying goes ‘You eat with your eyes first and your stomach second’. That’s why every dish we look at in a cookbook or magazine has been primped and prinked to perfection. This fussing is done by a… Read more

Filed in: Travel

Ich Bin Ein Berliner – Currywurst

Yes, Currywurst can truly call itself a Berliner – not a doughnut but a sausage treat that seems to only appear within the confines of the Berlin City Limits.I hadn’t heard of Currywurst and thought it may be some type of German sausage that included a curry flavoured filling.  It is in fact a grilled… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Land of the Giants II

Ages ago, I wrote about the Giant Food of Switzerland.  As part of the same European holiday, we saw a variety of giant food props but ice cream reigned supreme.  As I am travelling this week and have limited access to the internet to write about my adventures, for your delectation, I present the Giant… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

A Taste of Slovenia

I have been working on the endless task of sorting 18months worth of holiday photos into some semblance of order.  It’s a cheap shot (literally) but on the coat tales of ‘A Taste of Croatia‘ and ‘Another Taste of Croatia‘, I bring you the ice cream that’s all the rage on the shores of Lake… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

It’s all about the Cheese – Rhone Valley

It’s no secret that I love cheese.  In fact, it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t love cheese, but I know they are out there.  Does anyone love cheese more than the French?  I think not.  Last year as part of our more than bite sized adventures, we stayed at the municipal campground in Tournon-Sur-Rhone… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

What I Had For Lunch Today – Czech It Out

I went on a 3 hour walking tour of Prague today so I was after something a little more substantial than a sandwich for lunch.  We found a pub close to our hotel in the Old Town (not difficult in Prague) with a cheery motif of axemen and torture, the Pivnice U Kata.  We grabbed… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Bled Kremna Rezina

Apparently Bled is famous for it’s Kremna Rezina, also known as Cremeschnitte. I was unaware of this claim to fame but it became very apparent as I walked through the town and saw the signs luring people into coffee shops. ‘Cremeschnitte Cafe Combo – 5e’, ‘Original Bled Kremna Rezina Here’, ‘Cremeschnitte To Go’. Folklore tells… Read more

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Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Another Taste of Croatia

There really is more to Croatia than funny names of food products but how could I resist after my last post on the subject?I know this post is neither ‘clever’ nor ‘original’ but, it is funny… Read more

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Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Dalmatinske Fritule

I had a delightful surprise for breakfast at our hostel the other morning when alongside the usual cheeses and salami, were these freshly cooked Dalmatinske Fritule or Dalmatian Fritters.  These little yeast based fritters are typically small balls that are dropped into the oil but at Hostel Adria, they were rather more free form.Tasting like… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Croatian & Bosnian Food – Not For Vegetarians!

Here I am in Croatia and I barely have time to post anything between maintaining my two gelati a day habit formed since this heatwave began in Italy and stuffing my face with every type of sheep cheese you can think of.  One thing is for sure, like most of Europe and the Balkans (and… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

A Taste of Croatia

We have been in Croatia for a few days now and have definitely had a chance to sample the local cuisine but that will have to be for another post, when there is more time.In the meanwhile, here is a little tub of ice cream that I bought in the supermarket today.  Tastes just like… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Land of the Giants

OK –  they are not quite up to the standard of the Big Pineapple, Big Banana or Big Prawn but for a small country, Switzerland certainly seems to have an over abundance of larger than life food props.Chickens – Bremgarten bei Bern Meringues – Meiringen Baguettes – Thun  Strawberries – Bremgarten bei BernCroissants – Vaduz, LeichtensteinIf you’re interested… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Swiss Roll (all over Spain)

Dear readers – do you ever visit my blog site, instead of just reading the email?  Make sure you visit soon as I have added a lovely new background and you can see the blogs I am following and the websites I have discovered.  It’s worth a trip.This is just a quick post in recognition… Read more

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Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel