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Samson & Sophie – A Mixed Bag

I’d read reviews of Samson & Sophie. People loved the eclectic air of the cafe; the quirky furniture and re-purposed BBQs as tables; the recipe card as table numbers and the giant pegs to hold them. They weren’t so in love with some of the meals and service. Aren’t those last two the things that… Read more

Filed in: Brisbane, Restaurant Review

A Little Touch of Spice

I love the idea of going out to breakfast with friends and family.  You can catch up and still having the day ahead of you.  I love the idea but the reality if often very different.  Many places do not take bookings for breakfast, instead preferring to make their valued customers queue. Even if you can get… Read more

Filed in: Restaurant Review

Baked Zucchini Fritters – Easy Peasy

I love zucchini fritters but there’s quite an art to making a decent one. If the mix is too wet, they can be soggy or doughy. Too much oil and they can be greasy. Not enough oil and they won’t be crispy (and who doesn’t love crispy?). Somewhere in the whirl of social networking, internet… Read more

Filed in: Entree & Starters

Tank Restaurant – Brisbane

Tank is in the bottom of the building that some of my colleagues work in.  They’re always encouraging me to walk over to the building and try the lunch time laneway menu but I never have the time.  So, I organised dinner for four of us on a Saturday evening so there would be plenty… Read more

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Filed in: Brisbane, Restaurant Review

Dalmatinske Fritule

I had a delightful surprise for breakfast at our hostel the other morning when alongside the usual cheeses and salami, were these freshly cooked Dalmatinske Fritule or Dalmatian Fritters.  These little yeast based fritters are typically small balls that are dropped into the oil but at Hostel Adria, they were rather more free form.Tasting like… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel