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Brisbane German Club – 5 Top Tips

For some reason, I had never been to Brisbane’s German Club. I’m not sure why exactly as I go past it every day on my way home from work. The pork knuckle is legendary. A while ago, Bon Vivant and man about town, John Birmingham wrote a witty piece about the harsh dress code rules… Read more

Filed in: Restaurant Review

Ich Bin Ein Berliner – Currywurst

Yes, Currywurst can truly call itself a Berliner – not a doughnut but a sausage treat that seems to only appear within the confines of the Berlin City Limits.I hadn’t heard of Currywurst and thought it may be some type of German sausage that included a curry flavoured filling.  It is in fact a grilled… Read more

Filed in: Food Experiences, Travel

Friends and followers will know that I’m mad keen on Eurovision. This time last year we were celebrating in Switzerland. Tacky songs, trashy outfits, out of tune and out of step – what’s not to love? The only real tragedy in recent years has been the move by many countries to sing in English and… Read more

Filed in: Baking, Baking & Dessert