When you’re hosting a party, you’re always looking for things you can do beforehand. Peeling veges, setting tables, chopping herbs, cooking dishes that can be re-heated, chilling drinks, mixing and storing dressings in the fridge – anything you can do to minimise cooking and time away from guests. There are some shortcuts that I long… Read more
Well what do you know…. it’s Random Recipes time again! This month Dom from Belleau Kitchen has set the challenge ‘Store Cupboard Finds’. Delve way, way back into the recesses of the cupboard and finally use that impulsive purchase that has been lurking there for months and possibly years. After liberating said item from the… Read more
Something A Little Different In my fake day job, I’m a Project Manager and Process Designer. I love structure and a good plan. This spills over into how I run my blog (see, I’m ‘running’ rather than ‘writing’ my blog – it’s like a big project). In case you haven’t noticed, I blog twice a… Read more
…swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh. So begins the opening refrain of ‘Don’t Dream It, Be It’ from that camp classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Never have the lines of a song so aptly described the state of mind and even being when you commit to making Nigella Lawson’s Chocolate Peanut… Read more
I was having some people drop by on short notice for afternoon tea. What to make? What to make? What to make when you only want to use what you’ve already got in the cupboard but yet still want to impress? I turned to my hefty and woefully underused ‘Kitchen – Recipes From The Heart… Read more
My brother was visiting from Sydney for the weekend so I decided to have a Carnitas & Margaritas night to celebrate. After a few Margaritas over Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Rebecca‘, it was time to move on to our Mexican feast. The prefect opportunity to use those Mexican doilies. Apart from the shredded pork carnitas, much of… Read more
Let’s face it, we all want to use the best ingredients we can when we’re cooking but sometimes, the spirit is willing but the cook is lazy. I’d be hard pressed to find a cook or even chef, who hasn’t used pre-made stock from time to time. If it’s good enough for Nigella (or even… Read more
Sometimes things aren’t as they appear. Exhibit A: In my first shopping trip to a Migros Supermarket in Switzerland, I bought a dozen eggs. Later that day, I grabbed a couple out of the box to add to Nigella’s Croque Monsiuer Bake. They seemed a bit tough to crack. Thick shells? No, they were actually… Read more
Pantry stocks aren’t at the point of dwindling but I can actually glimpse some shelf space here and there. As part of a ‘pantry clear out’ dinner party we enjoyed Salmon cured with Ginger, Soy & Rice Vinegar (still plenty of soy and gallons and gallons of vinegars to go), Slow Cooked Lamb with Sumac… Read more
Last night I went to a dinner party being thrown by Josie, at a house she was minding in Paddington. I wanted to contribute but knew that Josie would have catered for everything so I decided to whip up a batch of Nigella Lawson’s Hokey Pokey, to have with coffee.It’s amazingly quick to make but… Read more