Welcome to the A-Z Guidebook Link Up where bloggers from around the world can share a picture and story about a place that relates to each letter in the alphabet. It could be a city, a country, a street or an icon. It could be anywhere. If you would like to join, read the A-Z… Read more
With 12 nights in NYC, there were plenty of opportunities to visit the celebrated restaurants of venerated chefs, doing a significant amount of damage to the credit card along the way. I decided it was easier (and cheaper) to eat locally in the East Village. In part 2, we eat at a couple of restaurants… Read more
With 12 nights in NYC, there were plenty of opportunities to visit the celebrated restaurants of venerated chefs, doing a significant amount of damage to the credit card along the way. I decided however, to go a different route. The East Village is jam packed with restaurants, cafes, markets and delis offering a huge range… Read more
When visiting New York City, make sure you wander Uptown past the end of Central Park, to Harlem. Once with a reputation for poverty and violence, Harlem like many NYC suburbs has gentrified. It’s interesting to note that in the 1950s, 98% of the population in Harlem was black but these days, African-Americans represent only… Read more
So much food, so little insider knowledge… When you head to a new country or city, you naturally want to enjoy the sights that people have been raving about but you also want to find the hidden gems. Sometimes they are hard to locate or opinion is divided about the best example. It’s no different… Read more
In the world of globalisation and social media, food trends sweep the world rapidly. Cupcake parlours, copies of Cronuts and more pulled pork than you’d think there were actual pigs on earth. Let’s not forget macarons. One minute they were small dainties in the elegant salons of Paris, the next minute they were available at… Read more
New York City is famous for many things. The Statue of Liberty, the Empire State & Chrysler Buildings, yellow taxi cabs, the Brooklyn Bridge and of course, hot dogs. Until quite recently you could get a red-hot wiener on most street corners for a dollar. They were slim in size with minimal toppings but for a buck, one could… Read more