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Potato Salad – Tastes of Wide Bay-Burnett

As you drive along the highway from Brisbane into the Wide Bay-Burnett region of Queensland, the rural sprawl gives way to small communities and farmland. Pineapple plantations and cane fields line the road and as you creep closer to Bundaberg, the soil colour changes from brown to rich red. That fertile volcanic soil means the region is a… Read more

Filed in: Soups, Salads, Snacks, Travel

The Lunchbox & Gujarati Potatoes

Last week a friend gave us tickets to see the film, The Lunchbox. Well of course, this was the perfect movie for TIFFIN to attend as it’s about her namesake, the tiffin box or, lunchbox. It’s a gentle story about Saajan and Ila who connect with each other through a rare mix up by the dabbawalas… Read more

Filed in: Mids & Mains

When you’re hosting a party, you’re always looking for things you can do beforehand. Peeling veges, setting tables, chopping herbs, cooking dishes that can be re-heated, chilling drinks, mixing and storing dressings in the fridge – anything you can do to minimise cooking and time away from guests. There are some shortcuts that I long… Read more

Filed in: Entree & Starters

‘New year, New book’ is the challenge for Random Recipes this month. After a busy Christmas packed with food and fun, Dom from Belleau Kitchen challenged us to randomly select a recipe from our newest cookbooks. With a pile of books looking at me dolefully from the shelf, I was very good over the last… Read more

Filed in: Soups, Salads, Snacks

Astrid & Gaston – Lima, Peru

‘When are you going to do the post on Astrid y Gaston?’ my partners in crime have been asking.  Today.Astrid y Gaston has never been high on my list of ‘must go’ destinations. In fact, I’d never heard of it but when @foodbling recommended  a night to remember in Lima, I started researching. As it… Read more

Filed in: Restaurant Review, Travel