In my kitchen, the builders are still hanging around. Finishing off this and that which is all well and good but I just want them gone. We have been waiting for the muggy weather to arrive and it did so this week. We have gotten off very lightly weather wise in Brisbane this year but… Read more
Do you ever visit the kitchens of other bloggers who participate in In My Kitchen, hosted by Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial? If you do, it would not have escaped your attention that many of the IMKers are also partial to a bit of travel. And with travel comes great responsibility. The responsibility… Read more
Finally, after 18 months of travelling and collecting like a magpie and 4 long months in transit, the boxes that we shipped from the UK have finally arrived. After putting away the clothes and books, I couldn’t help but notice that a very large proportion of the items were food related. The Op Shops were… Read more
As I’m still on holidays, I get the opportunity to be a little more creative with our lunches rather than the standard ‘take to work’ salad. I was home alone today and in a Nigella-esque moment, just happened to have some tofu in the fridge that needed to be used so I took the opportunity… Read more