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soy sauce

…And All The Lovely Extras – Honey Soy Walnuts

Remember those walnuts I bought from the local community centre in Angaston? They were sitting on my bench making the kitchen look very rustic but had yet to make it into a recipe and the situation was getting urgent. Not only did I need my bench space back but with summer just around the corner… Read more

Filed in: Soups, Salads, Snacks

In My Kitchen…. August 2013

In my August Kitchen……are some bags of Kingaroy Peanuts that Anthony bought on a round trip visit to see Julian, who lives there.  Kingaroy is known for its peanuts and the processing plant in the centre, dominates the townscape.  The Kingaroy Peanut Van has been going since 1969 and is on the outskirts as you drive… Read more

Filed in: Miscellaneous