And now a trip down memory lane*. Not only does Stone have a Food & Drink Festival, there’s also the Farmer’s Market. We didn’t see the best of the weather when we were visiting the markets, with the wind whistling down the pedestrian shopping precinct rivalling an Ekka wind down George St. Surprisingly, there wasn’t… Read more
It was a bleak day as we walked along the canal tow path towards the marquees erected for the Stone Food & Drink Festival. Friday was the opening day and we hoped to get in early an avoid the crowds – no problems there as it was cold enough for even the locals to comment… Read more
The Stone Food & Drink Festival is held in the canal town of Stone, in Staffordshire. Now in its 5th year, it attracts people from the district as well as the casual Antipodean interloper. There are festival activities all week, leading up to the official opening on the Friday.We arrived on Thursday afternoon with just… Read more