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Summer Ice Block Adventures – ‘Seussicals’

Happy New Year to all of my readers. TIFFIN is on the move very soon so make sure you have subscribed via email so I can take you with me to my new location. If you are in the TIFFIN Fan Club via Google, please also subscribe so I don’t lose you! Meanwhile…. In the… Read more

Filed in: Baking & Dessert

Summer Ice Block Adventures – ‘The Colonial’ G&T

In the US they are known as popsicles and the delightfully old fashioned ‘iced lolly’, in the UK.  Ice blocks are the quintessential childhood summer treat and as adults we still think back to those long, lazy days when endless hours in the swimming pool and ice blocks from the freezer made it the best… Read more

Filed in: Baking & Dessert

Just Peachy

Happy New Year!  Hasn’t the stone fruit been great this Summer? An excellent growing season has meant bumper crops and low prices. The cherries have been the best I’ve had in at least half a dozen years and my favourite, nectarines, have been great. Although I also enjoy peaches, they can be a bit hit… Read more

Filed in: Drinks