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In The Tiffin Box II – Reader’s Survey

With a conference to help organise (Eat. Drink. Blog. 2014) and an impending overseas holiday, there’s always lots to do and many lists to make and tick off. Here’s a quick look inside the Tiffin Box to catch up with what’s been happening and an opportunity for you to let me know what you think… Read more

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Filed in: Food Experiences, Miscellaneous

The Last Straw – Reduce Your Footprint

Each summer, smoothie production ramps up at our house.  No particular recipe – just fruit and either yoghurt or milk or maybe some juice, mixed in the blender with ice (if we have it).  We often have one mid morning on a Saturday instead of morning tea. The problem with smoothies is that they’re not… Read more

Filed in: Reduce Your Footprint