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Spring Onion Hommus – Waste Not, Want Not

You say hummus, I say hommus. You say spring onion and I say shallot… either way, we should definitely not call the whole thing off. This extremely easy recipe for Spring Onion Hommus was borne of a desire to make use of the leftover green tops from a bunch of spring onions. I often roughly… Read more

Filed in: Reduce Your Footprint, Soups, Salads, Snacks

Tahini Caramel Lunchbox Bites

I’m always on the hunt for recipes for homemade lunchbox treats. Muffins are a firm fave but I like to mix it up. I recently made a seed and oat dense baked muesli slice but wasn’t particularly happy with it. It didn’t spark joy. There had to be a recipe out there somewhere. I kept… Read more

Filed in: Baking & Dessert

An Ottolenghi Weekend – Tahini Cookies

I have a confession to make. I love cooking. I’m great with savoury and I’m OK with desserts. I’m so so with baking and I’m terrible with biscuits (cookies). If you look back through my recipe posts, you’ll find only one for biscuits and even that’s for very basic Quinoa Crackers. I’ve talked before about… Read more

Filed in: Baking & Dessert

‘The Great Pumpkin’

Pumpkins are funny old things.  In the USA, they are relegated to carving at Halloween, overly sweetened pie at Thanksgiving and for decoration on front porches throughout New England. In the UK, the only time you ever see pumpkin is in insipid ‘Butternut Squash’ soup that always tastes like water or when someone such as… Read more

Filed in: Entree & Starters