I like to think that I’m across what’s happening in Brisbane. I read the weekly digital mags, engage on Twitter, read the Brisbane Times every other day and generally collect bits and pieces along the way that gives me a pretty good idea of what’s hip and happening. So how is it that Toro Bravo… Read more
The regeneration of suburbs is cyclical. As economies change, families move on and the complexion of the community alters, so too do the suburbs of the city. In Brisbane, Teneriffe is the new James St which was the new Fortitude Valley which itself is in the process of being re-invented for the G20. South of… Read more
An extra post this week as there are quite a few queued at mission control at present.Bodega. Wasn’t that the name of a sparkling wine in the 70’s*? This Bodega is more akin to it’s Spanish origins, being a wine cellar or bar. I found myself on a raining evening in Sydney at a loose… Read more
Moorish charm at the Alhambra Palace – Granada, SpainIn 2010 I spent two separate months in Spain, travelling from north to south, east to west, avoiding a lot of the coast and spending a considerable amount of time in interior. In that time, we encountered only one place where Tapas was still served in the… Read more
*** THIS VENUE HAS NOW CLOSED *** We were catching up with Melissa and Richard and as they had packed their kids off to family for the week, it was a chance to do something a bit more adult. Lunch at Sardine Tin sounded just right We arrived a little early and found our booking… Read more
As you know, Spain is the home of Tapas and one of the old standbys are Croquetas. They come in all shapes and sizes and, just like any menu staple, vary wildly in quality (think hot chips or fries and you’ll get the drift).For the unitiated (and it must be said, disadvanatged), Croquetas are croquette… Read more