Welcome to the A-Z Guidebook Link Up. If you would like to join, read the A-Z Guidebook tab at the top of the blog and write a travel post relating to the letter of the month. *Happy New Year Guidebookers. I hope you have enjoyed your holiday break or, if you are really lucky, are… Read more
It’s been a while since I wrote about my op-shop or thrifting finds. With limited storage space and more than enough retro crockery and classic (some may think kitsch) barware, I have been more judicious in my purchasing. Well, trying to. I recently dropped into the Camp Hill State School Fete and made a b-line… Read more
It is 100 years today since the Dardanelles campaign, when Australian and New Zealand forces landed on the beaches at Gallipoli (Gellibolou). Lest We Forget… Read more
Random Recipes has been playing out very well for me recently. After a clunky start, I’ve been selecting some beauties. This month, Dom from Belleau Kitchen challenged us to ‘Get Random Baby!‘, using his automated random number generator to select the cookbook. Regular readers will know that I’ve used a similar function on several occasions… Read more
I scored a couple of fantastic gifts when I recently left my long time employer. One was a whizz bang blender (no doubt the subject of another post, soon) and, a copy of Greg & Lucy Malouf’s ‘Turquoise’. I’m a bit obsessive when I get a new cookbook – I like to sit down and… Read more
What are Gozleme? Quite simply, they are yummy pancakes that were once a Turkish peasant food but have now been co-opted by the masses as a cheap snack or light meal. My first taste of Gozleme were at a specialty Gozleme cafe in Goreme (yes, ‘Gozleme in Goreme’) and, they were not very good. I… Read more
I’ve got a sweet tooth (as the bulk of my posts attest) but I know that achingly sweet desserts are not to everyone’s tastes. Some people look for something to cut the sweetness, such as citrus flavours or creme’ fraiche. How about a bit of mozzarella cheese?When visiting Turkey, I stopped in Antakya (Antioch) which… Read more
Upon reviewing the numerous photos taken in the Middle East, I noticed a distinct trend in hilarious drink names. So, for your edification, I introduce you to these delicious beverages…..Syria – Spiral Orange, Ugarit Cola & Cheer Up Lemonade. If I’m, not mistaken, these look remarkably like Fanta, Pepsi and 7Up Turkey – Bi Cola. Not… Read more
There’s no doubt about it, the Turks definitely have a sweet tooth (as do their Arabic neighbours but that’s the subject of another post). But is Turkish Delight the number one sweet in Turkey? I’d say ‘no’. It was everywhere in Istanbul but hardly to be seen anywhere else. Amazingly, whilst Turkish Delight or Lokum… Read more