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Spring Onion Hommus – Waste Not, Want Not

You say hummus, I say hommus. You say spring onion and I say shallot… either way, we should definitely not call the whole thing off. This extremely easy recipe for Spring Onion Hommus was borne of a desire to make use of the leftover green tops from a bunch of spring onions. I often roughly… Read more

Filed in: Reduce Your Footprint, Soups, Salads, Snacks

I have been writing for a while about reducing waste and re-purposing food scraps and left overs into other meals and snacks. The amount of food waste in the world is really staggering. There is plenty of research and column inches written about it yet it seems to continue unabated. Whether it’s people buying too… Read more

Filed in: Reduce Your Footprint

Celery Top Pesto – Waste Not, Want Not

We’ve been on holidays for a couple of months, travelling far and wide. I’ve eaten some wonderful meals and tried lots of new dishes but I didn’t do any cooking. Gosh, how I’ve missed it. So now that we’re back home, it’s time to get back into the kitchen. It’s also time to pull our horns… Read more

Filed in: Soups, Salads, Snacks

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds – Waste Not, Want Not

Who doesn’t love a snack with their pre-dinner drink? Oven roasted pumpkin seeds are perfect. They are quick and simple to make and all the more enjoyable for knowing you are using something that would typically be a food scrap. We have a worm farm and a compost heap for some of the tougher items that… Read more

Filed in: Soups, Salads, Snacks

Pickled Broccoli Stalks – Waste Not Want Not

I have previously written about Mr Tiffin’s adoration of broccoli and the mounds that are eaten in our house every week. To deal with the excess stalks, I shared a clever idea for making a thrifty Broccoli Soup from stalks straight out of the freezer. With the weather warming up though, I decided I needed a… Read more

Filed in: Sweets & Preserves

Homemade Butter – Waste Not, Want Not

A couple of weeks ago we hosted a huge party. We fed and watered 50 people, all without using a paper plate or serviette or plastic cups or cutlery. A ton of food, plenty of drink and lots of laughs. It went off. There were no leftovers and minimal food waste so I was very… Read more

Filed in: Sweets & Preserves

Regular readers would know that I don’t like to waste food and am the master of re-purposing and up-cycling leftovers and food scraps. Whilst I hold back many of our veggie scraps to boost the flavour of home made stock, broccoli stalks don’t make it in. Regular readers would also know I’m not a fan… Read more

Filed in: Soups, Salads, Snacks

Apple Scrap Jelly Recipe – Waste Not, Want Not

A while ago we visited Stanthorpe on the Granite Belt. In addition to being Queensland’s premiere wine growing region, the cool climate means the area is also well known for fruit growing and in particular, apples. We returned to Brisbane with a mixed case of local apples. Apart from eating the apples as is, one… Read more

Filed in: Sweets & Preserves