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zero waste

A Visit to Vessel Nundah – Plastic Free July

It’s Plastic Free July, which is about raising awareness of single use plastics and asking everyone to make small changes in their relationship with plastic. If you follow Tiffin on Facebook (and please do, if you don’t already), you may have seen that I headed waaaayyyy over to the other side of town a couple… Read more

Filed in: Product Review, Reduce Your Footprint

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking and reading about recycling systems in Australia. It would be great if every council had the same scheme to make it easier for people to recycle consistently across the country. Alas, they do not. Having said that, there are a number of items that are recycled almost universally… Read more

Filed in: Reduce Your Footprint

Lime & Coconut Sugar Scrub – Make Your Own

Some time ago I shared a recipe for how to make your own Coffee Salt Scrub. It’s part of our household trying to become palm oil and micro bead free. Cosmetics and beauty products pose a particular challenge. I have finished the jar of Coffee Salt Scrub so decided to turn my hand to a… Read more

Filed in: Reduce Your Footprint

In case you’ve been living under a stack of toppled newspapers, you could hardly have failed to notice that the KonMarie method is all the rage. Marie Kondo has been teaching people how to fold and tidy for several years but the world has hit peak KonMarie since her series dropped on Netflix. Her catch… Read more

Filed in: Op Shops

Visit Reverse Garbage – Reduce Your Footprint

Eons ago, I visited Reverse Garbage when it was in West End. We headed there to buy some bits and bobs to make costumes for the kids for my fancy dress 40th party. I hadn’t really had cause to re-visit, but a recent return reminded me what an amazing resource this business is. The concept… Read more

Filed in: Reduce Your Footprint