I’m not a fan of bananas, which is a pity as they are the perfect ‘take anywhere, anytime’ snack. They also grow by the bucket load in Queensland so they are handy and cheap. Except when there has been a devastating weather pattern bringing floods and cyclones to the State.
For me, no great loss. For the mothers of small children and gym junkies of Brisbane – it’s a trying time. Banana supplies are low and prices have skyrocketed to over $15 a kilo. This is why you see queues at the City Farmer’s Market every Wednesday morning. The little golden beauties are on sale for between $5 and $10 a kilo. Orderly queues form as early as 7am (or so I am told) and a recent addition is the crowd control with witches hats, a velvet rope and a ‘bouncer’ to make sure nobody grabs a bunch and runs. They are always all sold out by morning tea.
Banana crowd control |